Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Markers, Templates and Web Spars

After a business trip, a cruise, and the flu; I'm back building.  I snuck in a few hours here and there and managed to get the ribs all traced onto a sheet of .020 6061, traced/cut out all of the .040 part templates onto paper templates, and tonight I measured and cut my spar webs.

Here are some pictures...

The .020 sheet marked up for the rib blanks.

Tracing paper templates and the results.  Sometimes I just cut straight from the copy I made of the plans.  When templates overlapped each other, I traced them using some tracing paper.

Cutting web spars with the Olfa PC-L cutter.  This thing is great.  If you're debating going this route, it was $11 on Amazon.  Measuring and cutting all three took me an hour, and the results are impressive.  It even comes with extra blades in the handle.  Well worth the investment.

Using the Olfa.

The cut web spars.


  1. hi Rusty, interesting project!)
    i have a doubt about this Olfa tool you used. you cutted alu parts with it? from the picture.. seems so.
    i need to do something similar, but for a car body.
    thanks. David from italy)

  2. Yeah, it worked well. The secret is to go slow and make several passes. You can't do it in one pass, but it does prevent the serrated edges you can get with shears. Make 7 or 8 passes and the aluminum will snap on that line. Grab a scrap piece and give it a try. It's a very cheap tool.
