Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Left Leading Edge Update

Able to get the left leading edge skin and ribs ready for riveting the skin on with the pitot static lines ran.  Just a quick pic today.  See the right wing posts for details.

Some notes:  I do recommend drilling from the leading edge towards the spar on this part.  This way, you can keep "pulling" the skin tight.  I did a few holes on one rib by starting in the middle and working toward the leading edge, but this left the skin and rib far apart, and made the cleco want to dent the skin.  Had to make rib #2 again and replace it.  I also found that 2x4's and clamps/straps are really helpful to get the skin set up like you want it before drilling.  Don't forget to make the distance from the spar to the leading edge match the other wing you made too!

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