I decided to add a small piece of angle to the bottom wing skin because of some oil-canning I ran into (result of porn technique on my part). I know they do something similar on the Zenith too. Might take some flack for this about building airplanes to be light, but I'm happy with the reduction in oil canning. Here is a shot of the finished product.
And a reminder to install the tie-down nut before I close up the wing!
Taking inventory of parts for the left wing, and some cutting. The video is Greg Swingle touring the Bearhawk factory on Youtube if you're interested. Looks like a nice plane!
Majority of the parts ready to form for the left wing. I'm hoping this wing goes faster since I learned a lot along the way on the right wing (a.k.a. made the same parts 3 times).
I recently picked up a little Ruger SP101. I'm going to head to the range for a bit and see if my recent LASIK surgery paid of, and hopefully come back and form the parts above so I can keep moving!